How many years do snakes live, this snake has the longest lifespan

How many years do snakes live, this snake has the longest lifespan

 People at home often told to keep distance from snakes and be careful. Because most snakes are one of the most dangerous poisonous animals in the world. Some snakes are so dangerous that their poison can kill a human being in a few seconds. There is often talk about the age of snakes. Today we will tell you about the age of all snakes. 

Life cycle of snake 

β€’ Before knowing the age of a snake, let us understand its life cycle. The life cycle of a snake is mainly divided into 3 stages. The first stage is the egg. Let us tell you that the female snake lays 10 to 15 eggs at a time and protects them until the eggs hatch. There are some species of snakes which do not lay eggs but give birth directly to the baby.

β€’ According to the information, usually snake babies come out of eggs in 50 to 55 days. There are some species whose babies come out in 40 days. But there are some snakes which take even 70 days. Once the pupae come out of the egg, the female snake is not particularly concerned about them. Sapoles survive by eating small insects and their body size increases almost four times in a year.

β€’ The growth of snake babies depends on the different species. Some snakes become adults in 2 years and some in 4 years. Once adults, snakes can shed their pupae at least twice a year. Some species of snakes even make other species of snakes prey. 

Age of snake

According to experts, the age of a snake depends on its species. Depend on. Things like their diet, genetics and ecology play a very important role in the lifespan of a snake. The average age of most species of snake is 8-10 years. Boa constrictor, meaning big python, is a species that lives the longest. Their age can be up to about 40 years. This is one of the longest snakes in the world. 

King Cobra

Cobra is the most prominent among all the species of snakes in the world. Poisonous cobras are also found in India. The age of cobra is usually between 25-30 years. But if kept in a zoo or in captivity, their age can also be 35-40 years. Krait is also found in India, whose age is between 10-15 years.

How many species of snakes in the world?

Around the world There are about 3789 species of snakes in India. Their numbers are continuously increasing because scientists are continuously discovering new species of snakes. According to scientists, out of the total species of snakes, only 600 species are poisonous. Apart from this, there are non-poisonous or non-poisonous snakes. Out of all the species of snakes around the world, only 70 species live in the sea. Let us tell you that most of the sea or water snakes cannot survive on land, the only exception is the krait, which can live both in water and on land.


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